Sunday, January 10, 2010

Run Lola Run (1998) Review

I just finished watching this film for the first time after reading about it being an awesome movie on a review website. After seeing the film for myself I have to agree that it's an amazingly crafted movie. The movie was made in Berlin, also taking place there, and the plot involves a young woman, Lola, being instructed by her boyfriend to help him get one hundred thousand dollars for a mobster in twenty minutes. The film then shows the audience three completely different outcomes that could occur from different moments that Lola leaves her apartment. This allows for some ingenious humor that constantly has the viewer looking forward to seeing how different events occur. A good example of this is with a plate glass window being carried across a street, the different outcomes being if the glass shatters or not.

The movie also features an energetic techno soundtrack that is frequent throughout the entire film, enhancing the fast-paced and thrilling scenes. The films also uses some amazing editing to piece together the different events, utilizing freeze-frames and black and white to showcase different time frames and fractured outcomes of events. The color in the film showcases the vibrancy and energy of Lola's character and perfectly contributes to maintaining the film's pace, utilizing similar colors to cut between events. Editing is also key in the progression of this film, as two scenes usually interlap during the time frame, allowing for the audience to see two character's events at once.

Despite the fact that the majority of the film is just Lola running to get the cash for her boyfriend, the movie never loses its pace and remains intriguing throughout. The audience is always waiting for what will be the different outcome of certain events, such as Lola going left or right at a certain instant. Since each story is told in the approximate time frame of twenty minutes, the movie is quite short at only eighty minutes long. This is all the time the movie needs though, so no scene is ever pointless or unnecessary.

The film blends different styles to get the whole story across in a meaningful and artistic way, utilizing black and white, as well as animated sequences. These scenes enhance the films stylistic and cartoonish nature, which greatly benefits the entire film.

In its entirety, Run Lola Run is an amazingly designed and thrilling film. The whole movie is fast paced and never slows down, which allows for quick and meaningful scenes that can lead to completely different and dire consequences depending on Lola's actions. I would never believe that a film with very little dialogue that for a majority consists of a single character running would be an entertaining film, but thanks to amazing editing and a unique storytelling methods, Run Lola Run is an excellent and original film.

Rating: 8/10

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